OUTLaw reconnaisse que l'Université d'Ottawa est située sur un territoire algonquin.
OUTLaw recognizes that the University of Ottawa is located on Algonquin territory.

Enregistrement / Recording:
Desmond Cole & Reakash Walters
[enregistrement en anglais seulement]
The Intersections of Blackness, Queerness and Activism: A conversation with Desmond Cole and Reakash Walters
This event embraced diversity; the conversation centred around anti-Black racism, abolition, activism, and the redefining of justice within our borders. It explored the ways in which the lives of 2SLGBTQ+ identified persons are affected by, and intersect with, the law. Specific attention will be paid to Queer folks that live at the intersection of multiple marginalized identities.
This event was made possible by the Greenberg Chair, the AÉCLSS, the Human Rights and Research education Centre, the Public law Centre and the University of Ottawa Students' Union!