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Image by John Schnobrich

Dirigeant.e.s 2022-2023
2022-2023 Execs

Robyn-Lee Hotte, she/her/elle

Co-Présidente / Co-President

Bonjour tout le monde! My name is Robyn-Lee Hotte, I am a cis-pansexual Québécois woman, and my pronouns are she/her/elle. J’habite la région de la capitale nationale depuis ma naissance (à Ottawa) et je réside actuellement à Gatineau avec mon père et mes trois chiens (Stitches, Bailey et Muffin!).

I’m currently in my 4th year (of 6!) in the B.Soc.Sci and Juris Doctor programme. Je m’intéresse particulièrement dans le droit constitutionnel et le droit de la sécurité nationale. Cette année, j’occupe le poste de V.-P. interne ici à OUTLaw ainsi que le rôle de V.-P. des revendications étudiantes au sein de l’AÉCLSS. I am also an employee of the UOSU as the Deputy Commissioner of University Affairs and Equity. I’ve been deeply implicated in my school community since I was little and I’m so proud to be working with OUTLaw this year!
You can reach me by email at ou sur mes réseaux sociaux, juste rechercher mon nom! Au plaisir de vous rencontrer !

Clémence Thabet, they/she/elle

Vice-présidente des événements / Vice President, Events

Hi folks, I’m Clémence! My pronouns are they/them and I am a queer & genderqueer bilingual student in my final year of the combined political science and juris doctor program. Throughout my years in law school, I’ve participated in a series of community-oriented placements via various clinics, and I’m eager to build a space for queer communities at the faculty this year.

You can also find me in my role as a fellow with the Equality Law Clinic, where I’ll be working on creating resources and implementing approaches that foster sustainable and trauma-informed practices, and as a volunteer with PBSC, where I’ll be a part of the ID project.

Although I’m generally embarrassingly behind on queer media, I love all things queer theory and am hoping to find the time to contribute to OUTLaw’s very own blog this year (& you should too!) In my free time, I can generally be found reading poetry, crocheting, and parenting my anxious disaster of a chihuahua. If you’d like to reach me, feel free to email me at or via Twitter @ThabetClemence.

Sarah Yusuf, elle/she/her

Vice-présidente des affaires externes / Vice President, External

Bonjour! Je m’appelle Sarah (elle/she/her) et je suis ravie d'être votre VP externe pour l'année 2022-2023 ! OUTLaw m'a donné l'occasion de rencontrer des gens incroyables et je suis excitée de m'impliquer davantage dans la communauté.

I am a 3L in the Programme de Common Law en Français who is extremely passionate about legal rights education and contributing to community-based initiatives. I hope to contribute to creating positive changes in our legal system by promoting the interests of marginalized groups through advocacy and education. I am an Ottawa native who has had the pleasure of serving as a frontline community worker for many years. I am currently an employee of the UOSU as Coordinator for the Foot Patrol. Additionally, I have experience as an Intake Specialist, Law Clerk, and Legal Assistant. I’m eternally interested in broadening my knowledge and I’m curious about all areas of the law.

“For the mind does not require filling like a bottle, but rather, like wood, it only requires kindling to create in it an impulse to think independently and an ardent desire for the truth.”- Plutarch

In my free time, I love going on hikes, reading comics & manga, and playing board games with friends! Feel free to email me at to chat!

Kimberley Paradis, elle/la/she/her

Vice-présidente des finances / Vice President, Finance

Hi everyone! My name is Kimberley (she/her/elle), and I am a cisgender Queer woman with a disability. I am in my first year of the English Common Law program and will be your Vice President Finance for the 2022-2023 year!

Je suis originaire de l'ouest de l'île de Montréal et, à l'adolescence, j'ai déménagé dans une communauté rurale des Laurentides. Bien que je réside à Ottawa depuis six ans (et que j'ai développé un sérieux accent franco-ontarien), je reste liée à mes racines québécoises. Je suis passionnée par l'amélioration de l'accès aux soins de santé et à la justice pour les communautés 2SLGBTQ+, handicapées et rurales.

Outside of school, I am a member of the Board of Directors for the Community-Based Research Centre and a legal note-taker for Capital Rainbow Refuge. In my spare time, I enjoy spending time with my cat, Tobi, and reading any book I can get my hands on.

Vous pouvez me joindre par courriel (, LinkedIn ( ou Twitter (@kimberleyparadi).

Michelle Liu, elle/la/she/her

Co-Présidente / Co-President

Salut! Je m'appelle Michelle. Mes pronoms sont elle/la/she/her. I am a cis-Queer Asian-Canadian woman in 3L of the English Common Law Program. Je m'identifie comme anglo-québécoise (de Montréal) et je suis bilingue donc je vous invite à vous engager avec moi dans la langue que vous préférez.

I bring nearly 10 years of experience in student advocacy, including 3 presidencies, 5 directorships, 3 advisory council/committee seats, and 3 board memberships. Je suis la Présidente de l'AÉCLSS ainsi que la représentante de la Faculté de droit au Sénat de l'Université. Last year, in 1L, I served as the Common Law Director on the University of Ottawa Students’ Union (UOSU) Board of Directors, a member of the AÉCLSS Presidential Subcommittee, VP Communications of OUTLaw, and a student-at-large on the Common Law Faculty Council.

Vous pouvez me joindre sur LinkedIn (, Twitter (@michelleccliu) ou par courriel (

Katrina Bahnam, she/her

Vice-présidente des communications / Vice President, Communications

Hi friends! My name is Katrina Bahnam (pronounced Behh-num), and I am in 2L in the English Common Law Program. I am so excited to be this year's VP Communications! I am ready to help create a safe space for all queer folks by informing students on all upcoming events, initiatives, and resources OUTLaw has to offer this year! Be sure to follow our Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @uottawaOUTLaw!

In my spare time you can find me taking my cat Romeo out for hikes and walks, writing slam poetry, journalling, or weightlifting at the gym! I also love trash TV (I can't help it!!).

I am particularly sensitive to the resource needs of students that may not be out due to a variety of reasons in their personal lives. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if there is anything you need from me or anything you would like to see from OUTLaw this year! My email is

Gabriella Brown, she/her

Vice-présidente des affaires internes / Vice President, Internal

Hi everyone! My name is Gabriella (she/her) and I am a third year student in the English Common Law program. I am so excited to be your VP Internal for the 2022-2023 year!

Throughout my education I have developed a passion for social justice, particularly regarding issues relating to gender and sexuality, as well as a keen interest in public and constitutional law.

I have experience working in the non-profit sector, as well as community legal clinics, where I have facilitated access to justice for folks in the Ottawa community. I also have extensive experience working in the field of education, where I have acted as a research assistant for several professors. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to speak on access to justice more broadly at various community organizations and schools in the Ottawa region.

In my free time you can find me endlessly scrolling on Spotify trying to find my next favourite artist or watching movies (in the theatre, of course).
If you’d like to connect, feel free to send me an email ( or add me on LinkedIn (

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